Welcome to the Hasenstaub Lab!
We aim to understand the genetic, cellular, and network operation of specific cell types in the mouse and human auditory cortex.
Explore the inhibitory microcircuitry involved in signal processing within the auditory cortex
Conduct electrophysiological and genetic studies of the human cerebral cortex


Phillips, EAK and Hasenstaub, AR (2016) Asymmetric effects of activating and inactivating cortical interneurons eLife 2016;5:e18383.

The Hasenstaub Lab at UCSF operates under Dr. Andrea Hasenstaub within the Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery and in the Center for Integrative Neurosciences. The lab focuses on understanding the genetic, cellular, and network operation of specific cell types in the mouse and human auditory cortex.

For any inquiries, please reach out to [email protected] or email our lab manager [email protected]